Power BI enables users to create and access advanced semantic models, ALM, toolkit, pixel-paginated reports, etc. With Power BI, users can create powerful reports itself without lying any dependency on the development team. To get a detailed Power Bi overview, check out our blog on Introduction to Microsoft Power BI? Features of Power BI for Mac Self Service Reports These reports can be shared anytime and from anywhere using any device. With Power BI, users can ensure on-premises reporting using desktops with Power BI Report Server and can publish the same later on-cloud whenever need generates.

These reports can be demonstrated on dashboards can be accessed seamlessly to enable people in your organization to make necessary decisions in real-time and support their process flow or continuity. Power BI is referred to as a smart business intelligence software designed to create, publish, and distribute reports instantly and effortlessly across your organization.

Microsoft Power BI is an all-in-one business intelligence tool to create, access, and publish end-to-end reports, visual analytics, and other key metrics to support and strengthen your decision-making.

Exploring how to use Power BI on Mac or M1 Mac devices via Virtual Machines (VM).